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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 601-759

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A Nonlinear Bboundary Value Problem on an Unbounded Interval

Donald R. Smith

pp. 601-615

Perturbations in a Class of Nonlinear Abstract Equations

John Lagnese

pp. 616-627

A Distributional Approach to Dual Integral Equations of Titchmarsh Type

J. R. Walton

pp. 628-643

Singularly Perturbed Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems with Turning Points

F. A. Howes

pp. 644-660

Newton's Method Techniques for Singular Perturbations

Joshua Yarmish

pp. 661-680

Completely Convex and Positive Harmonic Functions

Dale H. Mugler

pp. 681-688

Uniform Boundedness in a Class of Volterra Equations

Kenneth B. Hannsgen

pp. 689-697

Some Extensions of Hardy's Inequality

Hans P. Heinig

pp. 698-713

An Extension of Parseval's Equation

Chull Park

pp. 714-723

Convergence of Noncommutative Continued Fractions

S. T. Peng and A. Hessel

pp. 724-727

Nonlinear Volterra Equations in a Hilbert Space

Viorel Barbu

pp. 728-741

Separation Theorems for Self-Adjoint Linear Differential Equations of the Fourth Order

William Brunner Miller

pp. 742-759